Silhouette Photography - A Beautiful Shadow

 SILHOUETTE PHOTOGRAPHY   is a wonderful way to convey Drama, Mystery, Emotions and Mood in a picture. A silhouette is defined as a view of an object or a scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black. pictures like these often don't convey a clear story, and leave part of the image up to the imagination of the viewer. 


  • Choose a strong subject with a defined and recoognizable shape.
  • Turn of your flash to have a little light on the front of your subject as possible.
  • Get the light right by having more light shining from background than the foreground.
  • Frame your image so that the brightest light source is behind your subject.
 Make sure the silhouette shapes are distinct and uncluttered by making subjects recognizable and keeping multiple subjects separate. 

So these are some main factors to click a perfect silhouette picture. 
The best time of day for silhouette shooting is either early in the morning or late in the day, when the sun is on horizon. That way, you're more likely to capture a warm-colored sky, and there won't be too much light brightening of your subject. 

For making a silhouette picture interesting you have to keep some important points in mind just like - A dense bush will look less interesting than a craggy one, because there will be more detail in your silhouetted subject. if you're a landscape photographer, a skyline with lots of different building heights and some space between buildings will look better than a uniform skyline without much variance 
you'll also want to depth of field into consideration. Since the best silhouette images have a sharp subject as well as sharp background, you should maximize your depth of field by shooting with a small aperture. this way, both foreground and background will be nice and sharp.

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