
we all are familier with the hibiscus flowers but, most of us don't know about the history of this flower. So let me tell you.

The full name of this flower is hibiscus syricus belongs to mallow family, malvaceae. It is native to south-central and south east China, but widely introduced elsewhere including much of Asia.
It was given the name syricus because it had been widely collected from gardens of Syria.

It is the national flower of South Korea and is mentioned in South Korean national anthem.

Common names of this flower is Korean rose( in South Korea), Rose of Sharon (in North America), Syrian ketmia, Rose mallow (in The United kingdom).

The flowers are often pink in color but can also been dark pink, purple, white and sometimes orange.


          It has been grown as garden shrub in Korea since a long time. It leaves were brewed into an herbal tea and its flower were eaten. Later on it was introduced and grown in the gardens of Europe, as early as 16th century. By the 18th century the shrub was common in North American colonies.

 Though it has no fall color and can be stiff and ungainly if badly pruned. Full grown plant can tolerate a wide range of conditions.

And this is how Hibiscus remains a popular ornamental shrub today with many cultivars.

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